We are currently experiencing a new kind of online educational boom, and every day mamas (just like you) are creating income online with ease, while feeling confident, passionate, and empowered.
But, before I get into that, allow me to introduce myself.
I'm Megan Foster and over the course of 4 years I've been able to build 2 six figure businesses from my phone. It wasn't all sunshine and rainbows though. Let's just say that paycheck to paycheck was my life while being a single mom to a 10 month old, but I knew I was meant for more. And then I had my I'M DONE MOMENT.
You know, that moment when you say, "That's it. I'm changing my story."
Fueled by my new and definite purpose, I poured my heart into it. I believed, worked, dreamed, and achieved wild success that I had never thought possible for someone like me when I started out.
And you know what's the craziest revelation I discovered on this journey..
It's that my journey would of been a lot easier, faster, and more enjoyable if I was surrounded by likeminded women who were on the EXACT same journey as I was.
Because your environment is
E V E R Y T H I N G.

This is exactly why I decided to create the Passion to Paychecks community.
So all of us mamas who want more for our families can connect, relate, and work towards our collective goals of empowerment and freedom.
Both in the mind and in our bank accounts.
So if you're ready to embark on the next chapter of your life, join a family of likeminded women, and get access to resources designed to help develop your mindset and money making capabilities.. then the "Passion to Paychecks" community is the perfect place for you.